Why wait for Validation before accepting your Uniqueness?

Oshemi Omatozaye
2 min readMay 12, 2022

This question has been on my mind for some time now, why do we feel the need to be accepted. Is it more of a survival instinct for the need of safety and how do we break free from waiting on validation.

Many untold stories, many unfulfilled dreams, because the fear of being an outcast is greater than the freedom that is desired. Internalizing rejection has a huge impact on our self worth and also our view of life. I have noticed that more people break out from that need for validation at a later part of their life because their idea of safety has shifted from being external to an internal view. Also, certain limiting factors have been removed, like legal/civil punishments, people or physical/mental barriers.

It is worth noting that needing validation from people is not a bad thing especially when it comes to the aspect of receiving support from them, our existence truly is based on interdependence and therefore validation is still necessary. The negativity that comes with it only points to a fact that, our need for each other’s survival will conflict with our personal needs.

There’s one crucial thing you must ask yourself, “Am I seeking validation because I do not have enough confidence to believe in myself”.

The need for validation comes from your lack of confidence in the decisions you make for your life, this is very different from needing support, it is a place of absolute dependence on a person. The only sure way to break free is to work on your confidence.

Your confidence level is your knowledge of who you are and what you can do, this fuels your self-worth. Knowledge will make your conviction strong without the need for acceptance.

My closing text is that you should build your confidence in yourself to break free from needing validation.

