What being a writer means…

Oshemi Omatozaye
2 min readAug 19, 2023

Everyone is qualified to be a writer. There is no elaborate training required or experience needed, although these activities enhances your ability to coordinate your thoughts properly, but as long as you can hold a conversation, you are a writer.

Writing for me has being an escape from my thoughts, so not only me gets to ponder them. It also is another form of exploring my creative side and seeing where this writing leads me to.

Sometimes, I like to view it from the artistic side of expression, having a lot to say and looking for ways to explain it to the world so they see it from your point of view, writing really speaks much to the soul within us.

Writing is also therapeutic, calm, soothing and has some flow to it that trails down to a complete release of our feelings.

I honestly get why it can be quite difficult to be a consistent writer, because of how we want to put out something perfect for the world to read and have no misinterpretation of the feelings we try to express.
I particularly think those who are even unable to put something down feel there is something missing within them that holds them back from exploring the creative side, just like an artist would look at their painting and say to themselves, something is missing. The truth is, there would always be something missing, it takes consistent practice to get clarity on what could be missing to push us further. I used to be that one time, till I started (hopefully continue to remain consistent), and realized that all it takes is to keep at it and the desire would be fueled and the joy of writing comes after.

One of the most beautiful thing about writing is that it gets me thinking, opening many doors to the answers I am looking for.

Being a writer is many things in one — writing to connect.

Every writer desires to express their thoughts, communicate with another outside of their head and at the same time help others (either to entertain, relate or engage their thought process).

So, should everyone write….I think yes. It is one way souls connects, and who knows, someone out there can give a perspective that brings your heart alive to what you have tried to understand on your own or maybe you give someone a word they just needed to brighten their day. I believe words have power and writing is a way to push out those words.

Writing also doesn’t have to be a long prose form, it could be one word or a thousand combination of words, as long as you write to connect, you will feel a tingle of excitement that may lead to a community.

Communicate. Connect.

