Oshemi Omatozaye
3 min readAug 26, 2023


Embrace Community: An Introverts Guide to Ambivertism

Have you ever gotten into a party and felt like you were folding into the shell of your body and everyone seems to vibe with the tunes and you’re lost cos you don’t know what to do again.

It happens to all full-time introverts, or maybe not all, but it’s certain a social battery exists, and it gets drained when you spend longer times in public spaces than needed.

Then, we have the extroverts with their never ending charge of 'you need more vibes’.

I like it when extroverts understand that introverts are not just shy people (although, most are) who are afraid to be adventurous but people who enjoy their own company more than they do in groups of people.

It’s safe to say that Introverts often find themselves with discomfort when it comes to embracing community. The quiet and reflective nature of an introvert can sometimes clash with the outgoing and social demands of community participation. Regardless of the uniqueness we each portray, there are ways for introverts to authentically engage with communities while honoring the need for solitude and introspection.

1. Recognize the Value of Community:
Understanding the benefits of community involvement is crucial. Communities offer support, diverse perspectives, and opportunities for personal growth. Acknowledging these advantages can motivate introverts to step out of their comfort zone.

2. Start Small:
Embracing community doesn't mean diving into large social gatherings immediately. Start with smaller settings that allow for more intimate interactions. Join book clubs, hobby groups, or local meetups to gradually ease into social interactions.

3. Play to Your Strengths:
Introverts often excel in one-on-one conversations and deep connections. Leverage these strengths by engaging in meaningful conversations with individuals.

4. Set Boundaries:
Respect personal boundaries with yourself and others. Allocate time for social interactions while also ensuring you have enough alone time to recharge.

5. Embrace Virtual Communities:
Introverts can take advantage of online communities, which provide a platform for connection without the pressure of face-to-face interactions. Virtual spaces allow introverts to express themselves comfortably and build connections at their own pace.

6. Practice Self-Compassion:
It’s important for introverts to be kind to themselves throughout this process. Pushing beyond comfort zones is admirable, but it’s okay to take breaks and recharge when needed.

7. Find Meaningful Roles:
Introverts can become active community members by taking on roles that align with their strengths. Organizing events, leading discussions, or contributing through written content are ways to contribute without feeling overwhelmed.

8. Quality over Quantity:
Introverts may have a smaller circle of friends, but the depth of those relationships often compensates for the size. Focusing on a few meaningful connections can be more fulfilling than spreading oneself too thin.

9. Celebrate Progress:
Embracing community is a journey. Introverts should celebrate their progress, whether it’s attending a social event, initiating a conversation, or contributing an idea. Each step counts toward personal growth.

Introverts can find ways to embrace community that align with their inherent traits. By recognizing the value of community, setting boundaries, and playing to your strength, you can create meaningful connections while preserving your need for solitude. The goal is to approach community involvement in a way that feels authentic and sustainable for your personality type.

